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Job Opportunity: Optical Assistant

We are seeking a motivated individual to join our team at our reputable optometry office.

As an Optical Assistant, you will play a crucial role in ensuring smooth office operations and providing excellent customer service to our patients.


Manage appointment scheduling and reservations for patients.

Answer phone calls and respond to inquiries promptly and professionally.

Assist with maintaining office flow and organization.

Perform optical services for patients purchasing eyewear while under the supervision of the doctor.


Upbeat Personality: Bring a positive attitude to interactions with patients and colleagues, fostering a welcoming and friendly atmosphere within the office.

Attention to Detail: Ensure accuracy in managing appointments, handling paperwork, and performing optical services, maintaining high standards of precision.

Willingness to Adapt to Change: Embrace flexibility and openness to new procedures or tasks as the office evolves, contributing to a dynamic and adaptive work environment.

Prior experience in customer service or healthcare settings is a plus but not required.


$18+ per hour for both full-time and part-time positions.
On-the-job training provided.

If you are enthusiastic about joining a dynamic team in the healthcare industry and are eager to contribute to the success of our optometry office, we encourage you to apply. Please send your resume and cover letter to Brittany Hazelton at for consideration.